Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What Constitutes a Wellness Program

Greeting friends!

The topic of wellness programs today is fast becoming a bit of a buzz word. People are looking for better health and vitality and it would seem that wellness programs are the way to go.

As a Naturopath I have worked this way since the beginning. I formulated using one or more of many methods such as nutrition, herbs, lifestyle advice etc to create a step by step way to achieve lasting good health and happiness as the two go closely together.


What a wellness program is not is one of these loads of rubbish you get from a pharmacy designed to aid your weight loss and make them money! Despite some of them being delivered by a "practitioner" they are not wellness programs. They are rubbish designed to make pharmacy owners money!

A wellness program from a Naturopath should encompass your entire being, mind, body, spirit. You should also be assessed on all of these levels properly. That means that when you make an appointment to see your practitioner, you should expect to spend around an hour to an hour and a half with them. A full history will be taken, blood and hair analysis may need to be done or if you come to my clinic, I will use NutriEnergetics System N.E.S. for short, to scan and ascertain your state of being at all levels.

I will also talk to you about what it is you wish to achieve and why. This helps us steer your direction towards your goals and make them achievable. It will also show where you may need to do some self improvement work such as meditation or the like to create a better state of mind or let go of any issue you may be clinging to. Counselling is a normal facet of a wellness program and is a major factor in you attaining great health.

From here we set about undertaking the steps we have planned together to bring you to where you wish to be. Regular appointments need to be made and kept to assure you of steady positive progress and this also helps to detect any changes and allows me to implement or remove and measures needed to insure your best results. These types of wellness programs are mostly sought out and used by people with major health concerns or a history of nagging problems that require stronger approach and monitoring.

Wellness programs are entered into mostly after people have been through the ringer of doctors visits and so and have received little if any resolution of their problems. Few conventional medicine doctors actually care less about such things and most are blinkered to looking at wholistic approaches. This is where conventional medicine fails and naturopathy and the like excels. The whole being is examined and seen as being imbalanced and then those imbalances are identified and corrected restoring balance and thus good health and happiness. this is what a true wellness program seeks to do and indeed should do, anything less is second rate.


These are ideal for people who are not feeling on top of the world but do not require constant monitoring. Also great for those wanting to lose weight and get healthy and generally change their lifestyle for the better. These are usually administered by a professional still but not always. My advice would be to consult your health professional first and see what they recommend before using anything else.

One such product that I recommend through my clinic that is easily obtainable and safe to use at home is Isagenix, see here http://www.craighitchenstherapies.com/isagenix_client.html. Click the link to read more about it on my main website. It is professionally formulated, uses only top quality ingredients and is formulated by one of the world's best nutritionists. From a professional perspective it is easy to do and simple to adjust if needs be and it produces fast, visible results. This system coupled with further professional lifestyle advice and guidance has seen many of my clients easily attain their goals through self management at home. Highly recommended.

In conclusion a wellness program is aimed at restoring your health to it's optimum levels and helping you attain some degree of lasting happiness as well. It is not just about weight loss or detoxification, they are factor contained within the program, not just what it is all about. it should also educate you about your being and health along the way and at the end of the program, you should feel like you have more knowledge about your health and feel confident in continuing your new way of living. If it leave you with more questions than answers, then it has failed you.

Wellness programs are the way to rectify many problems or to simply perk up a bit, they are very useful and very effective when approached and executed correctly. I highly recommend them for people wanting a lifestyle change, who suffer constant persistent infections, poor immunity, mild depression, anxiety, who are over weight, stressed, sleep poorly or lack vitality in general. I also recommend that you approach a professional for advice first.

I hope this has been of help you.

Warm Regards,

Craig Hitchens. B.HSc.

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